A dialogue seminar on Election Law No. 36 of 2008

Tammuz Organization for Social Development in Dhi Qar held in collaboration with the Independent High Electoral Commission a dialogue seminar on the Amended Election Act No.39 of 2008 in July 20, 2016 at the Hall of public library in province, with attending a number of current and former members of Provincial Council, consultant of Dhi Qar province, professors, a number of representatives of the government departments, activists, media and a number of representatives of the civil society organizations.
At the beginning of seminar colleague Razaq Obaid Daher has welcomed attendees and thanked them to accept the invitation, showing the aims of seminar and distributes the papers of election laws to the participants, then technical director in the election high commission in Dhi Qar office Mr.Qasim al-Rubaie presented a summary on law and some legal paragraphs that need to amend and comparesion with some election laws. Then Mr.Qasim al-Rubaie and colleague Razaq Obaid replied on the questions by participants and stressed on some paragraphs that must change in the next election law in order to ensure the transparent and fair elections with adopt some deterrence procedures. Through the seminar, it was talked about the negatives and differences in the election law and also touched on the process of seats distribution according to the Amendment Sainte Lego Act and how to calculate the votes and the problems that result from this distribution, and exclusion those who violate the instructions and procedures of the Independent High Electoral Commission.
After extensive debates, the participants were summed several notes and recommendations:
1-Adpot the fair system in the votes calculation depending on Sainte Lego system.
2-Amend law of the article No.5 / Secondly clear the full eligibility (determine madman by a medical report).
3-Amend the article No.17 / Secondly, It should be the adoption of the voters registry to conduct a national census for population conducted by the Ministry of Planning and do not rely on the data of the Ministry of Trade and ration card due to big mistakes in these data such as addition or deduction, and also the National Identity Card can help in resolving this case.
4-Amend the article No.22, it should establishing several departments instead one department to be more justice in the elections of provincial council.
5-In the article No.24, it was back to the data of ration card and the biometric registry maybe solved some problems with the low ratio of updating process, but the population census will solve many of problems.
6-It must stressed on the article No.30 through issuing deterrent systems in this matter because the authority of commission just impose fees without any legal procedures.
7-In the article No.33 / Secondly, it prohibits any parties or political entity to keep any armed groups or militia, but there are some parties still have militia.
8-There is a contradiction on the age of member, where it was defined the age of council member must be 30 years while president of entity or party must be 25 years old.
At the end of seminar, It was thanked participants by the formal and informal authorities and media because of their notes and views. Tammuz Organization will also be role to collect the notes and recommendations from most of provinces and delivery to the public opinion and official authorities.
It is worth mentioning that Tammuz Organization for Social Development is working to monitor all stages of the election processes since the first elections, which are carried out in Iraq in January 31, 2005, and the organization has a qualified cadres with high experience in all provinces to monitor the electoral processes, as well as monitoring elections abroad Iraq in the Arabic and foreign countries. The organization focused on reforming of election law and raising public awareness to participate in the elections, decision-making and the adoption of the election box as one of solution to solve the political differences and to ensure the peaceful circulation of authority and strengthen the democratic system in Iraq.
Media Office
Tammuz Organization for Social Development
21st July 2016