A dialogue session on child labor and its negative effects on Iraqi society

Tammuz Organization for Social Development held dialogue workshop in Nasryia, coinciding with the International Workers’ Holiday, on children labor and its negative impacts on Iraqi society and its building. A number of local government members, managers of Social Welfare Departments –Women Affairs-Environment- Family and child in Dhi Qar, manager of Human Rights Office, representative of passports and residency directorate, representative of electoral commission in Dhi Qar, civil activists, legal and social personalities.
Colleague Razaq Obaid welcomed the participants and presented an overview of Tammuz Organization with its most prominent activities, and then has presented objectives of the workshop, its timing and expected its results. He congratulated workers on the occasion of the International Workers’ Holiday, especially that the country passes with highly complex variables and need to mettle and assistant workers in the construction and achieve progress and prosperity.
Afterward, Dr.Sadkhan Madlum presented lecture on children labor and its negative impact on society and the building of the Iraqi state, noting the international agreements and treaties and guarantee ways to ensure children’s rights and not incarcerate them in work with clarifying the reasons, while Mr.Malik al-Ghzi discussed ways to address the situation. Then it has opened the discussion and has presented numerous interventions from the attendees about the topics. It composed commission to write recommendations by present and as following:
1- The need to respect and apply the legislations that contained Iraqi law and applied it literally and commitment to international treaties and conventions on the rights of the child and work
2- Facilitate taken procedures against who breach of legislations and skip the red tape of courts procedures and police for who offend of the law.
3- Accelerate to labor law legislation which will criminalize children labor and the prohibition as text within any law
4-Benefit from the experiences of developed countries about children labor
5-Cooperate families with relevant departments
6-Give the biggest role of civil society organizations and media to awareness and guidance
7-Benefit of the religious and media associations for awareness and guidance in this regard
8-Activation the role of the judicial and executive bodies
9-Open additional centers for orphaned children and care for them
The attending of media representatives from television and radio channels and auction sites was distinguishing where it was hold several meetings with the participants.
The workshop concluded by thanking of participants and lecturers to supply the workshop with information and meaningful discussions to decrease child labor in Iraq.
Media Office
Tammuz Organization for Social Development
May 3, 2015