Civil and Political RightsParticipation in Decision-Making and Policies

Dialogue seminar on “The Role of Youth in Achieving Peace”

Tammuz Organization for Social Development holds a dialogue seminar titled “The Role of Youth in Peace” within the activities of Iraqi Social Forum in Abu Nawas Gardens on Friday 2 Oct.2015.
The symposium coincided with the International Day of Non-Violence and also this day is an anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, who is tolerance and non-violence symbol.
During the seminar presented three main interventions the first one, which provided the colleague Vian Sheikh Ali, deal with concept of peace and the possibility of young people to achieve and adopted as a goal for the start of the civil work and initiatives, and it also was pointed out to the international laws and resolutions that confirm and seek to achieve peace such as sustainable development goals adopted by the United Nations before the nearly week, where was allocated two goals out of 17 goals to achieve peace as a safe human societies and they are goals no. 11 and 16. It was clarified the programs that must be promote peace as a program of human rights, international and economic conventions, provide careers, economic development, decision making and culture and social programs.
It was emphasized the importance of social cohesion and the preservation of diversity, acceptance of others, faith of women’s rights, equality of gender and the adoption of a real approach for transitional justice as an ingredients and the foundations of peace-building, where activists must be adopted in their behavior and their actions, in the presence of significant challenges affect on the work to put peace such as problems of displaced, the migration of young people, unemployment and many others.
The second intervention made by researcher Professor Gillan Hamza and offer the international experiences, which had previously carried out by young people and activists in the communities witnessed the conflict, including the experiences in Africa, after that he stressed importance of youth involvement in the work to establish peace.
The third intervention submitted by activist Nouf A’asi where she shows her experience as young woman with a youth group to hold a number of activities and voluntary initiatives in order to achieve peace such as festival of Baghdad Dar al-Salaam that adopted slogan “Peace is the way” in its season this year, and she also explained how they were thinking about this initiative and their reasons and results of its successful.
A big number of participants from a variety of religious and nationalism attended the seminar of Tammuz Organization in the activities of Iraqi Social Forum and those who have a role in enriching the symposium with interventions, visions and proposals. Mrs. Anja Wehler Resident Director of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and colleague Youssef Ibrahim director of Iraq programs in the institution participated in the seminar, and Mrs.Anja affirmed that their plan, as a foundation to prepare youths building, is to contribute in promote of peace, democracy values and human rights in Iraq.
The symposium was concluded after a two-hour of discussion seriously and interaction on how to build peace and offer personal experiences and problems, which solved by participants in previous.
It was mention that Tammuz Organization for Social Development already has held dozens of activities and special events to educate young people, building peace and promoting peaceful co-existence.

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Tammuz Organization for Social Development

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