Entitled “The concept of GBV and the rights of IDPs and return procedures”

On Thursday 6/9/2018, Tammuz Organization for Social Development Organized the Fourth legal awareness workshop under the slogan “Displaced Persons in Iraq Returning for building” in Falluja. The workshop was attend by displaced persons in total (22) which is the number of men (6) and the number of women (16).
Where our colleague (Muhanad Karim) as a representative of Tammuz Organization for Social Development welcomed the attendance and the introduced the legal clinic network in Al-Anbar province, which is part of a network of legal clinics (LCN) and in partnership with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), explained the objectives of the workshop. Our colleagues (lawyer Falah Numan Daghimsh, lawyer Jawhar Ali and from GBV Teba Nehad).
Our lawyer colleague (Falah Noman) began to give a lecture on the rights of displaced persons and official documents, including important topics:
– IDPs Rights.
– How to extract official documents.
Then our lawyer colleague (Jawhar Ali) give a lecture on the return verification means and mines risks, including important points:
– The return registration (Return verification means).
– Procedures for the return of displaced students to school.
– Mines risks.
Last, our GBV colleague (Teba Nehad) give a lecture on the concept of gender-based violence.
Then the lecturers opened the discussions and questions for displaced people and they got the answers to raise awareness for IDPs.
A number of 30 brochures were distribute to those at the end, the participants appreciated the importance of the information that was given by our lawyer colleagues during the workshop, where consultations were given to the attendees and the cases were received from them.
Tammuz Organization for Social Development
Free Legal Clinic