Civil and Political Rights

Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative Conference

Tammuz Organization for Social Development participated the conference of the “Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative” that was held at the hall of “Iraqi Society of Engineers” for the period from 31 January to 1 February 2019 in the presence of a large number of international activists and representatives of the Iraqi Civil Society organizations.

Over two days, the program of the Conference included a group sessions, speeches and participants’ performances; the first day witnessed the opening and a greeting speech, which included the frame and goals of the conference, the speech delivered by the Initiative Secretary.

After that, The First Session (Ten Years of Initiative Work Evolvement and Strengthening International Solidarity), got started. The axes of the session were as follows:

– Over the past 10 years, how was the Iraqi Civil Society developed? 

– A general overview of Solidarity Initiative activity history.

– The Foundation of Iraqi, Kurdistani and other local Social Forums.

– Case study-international solidarity and Iraqi labour mobility.

Then, the floor to questions and discussions was opened.

As for the Second Session (Social Mobility Influence on Politics in Iraq), the axes of which were as follows:

– Baghdad Protests from 2011 – until now and the Sadrists’ participation in 2016.

– Demonstrations in Kurdistan region (Al-Sulaymaniyah, Erbil and Karmian area).

– The Crisis in Basra.

– Then, the floor to questions and discussions was opened.

On the second day of the conference, several and diverse axes were discussed during the sessions, the first of which was (Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative: Supporters and Partners). The session witnessed some interventions  by the supportive partners:

-FAI Foundation.

– Karibu Foundation.

-CCFD Foundation.

-EU the European Union.

-As for the Second Session the title of which was (Civil Society Evaluation in Post -ISIS Iraq (and had  the following axes:

-Rebuilding society in liberated areas.

-Civil Society in Post-ISIS Nineveh: Reality and Challenges.

-Post-ISIS Sinjar.

-Challenges that have been being faced by the displaced persons, and the influence of (those challenges) on minorities.

– Challenges faced by women.

-Case study (Reviving Civil Society activities in liberated areas, Sport for example.

-Case Study -Heet.

-Case study- The role of Arts.

As for the Third Session: the title of which was: (what are Iraq’s needs from International Solidarity for the time being? Is there any future role to the Solidarity Initiative?) the axes included the following:

-What are the available opportunities to support the continuous development of Civil Society in Iraq? (Trade Unions and Humat Dijlah Society)

-what are the needs of solidarity initiative from the civil society in Kurdistan region after conducting referendum and the withdrawal of the US from Syria? A table for spokesmen from Kurdistan region.

-What is the role of the Iraqis, residing abroad, in supporting civil society in Iraq?

The floor for discussions was opened to the participants.

At the conclusion of the conference, a musical performance was played by the team of “Funun-Al-salam” and the band of “Mishkhat”.

Media Office

Tammuz Organization for Social Development

1 February 2019

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