Peaceful coexistence and peace building
Tammuz Organization for Social Development, in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, implemented the fourth training workshop of the Young Leaders Program – Fourth class, which was entitled “Peaceful Coexistence and Peacebuilding” led by trainer Khader Al-Dumli during the period 18-19 March 2022 in Basra Governorate.
The first day of the workshop began with a discussion of several subjects, the most critical of which were the paths of peacebuilding in the post-conflict phase from the international perspective. After that, peacebuilding for societies emerging from conflict was addressed. Then, Dr. Khader explained the steps of intervening in conflicts besides the skills of conflict engagement.
The training included applicable activities where the trainees were divided into groups and the trainer asked each group to draw a scenario for a representative scene that includes a conflict on a topic of their choice and the method of resolving the conflict, and a scenario was made by the groups and they applied it in reality.
After that, the trainer asked each team to write the steps that were achieved in building peace in Iraq, and the last activity was his idea to draw a peacebuilding tree by each team.
On the second day, he discussed the theme of peaceful coexistence, where he began by asking a series of questions from the trainer:
– What is peaceful coexistence for you?
What is your knowledge of peaceful coexistence?
– How do you feel that you contribute to promoting peaceful coexistence?
After answering the questions, the trainer asked them to identify the paths of spreading peaceful coexistence and the areas of strengthening and merging it.
Media Office
Tammuz Organization for social Development
22 March 2022