Report about three free courses for completed classes

Tammuz Organization for Social Development set up in Baghdad three free courses for completed classes of secondary students in Arabic language and that for the current year 2012-2013 before starting of the ministerial examinations. The courses come under the attention of the organization and its activities in the academic support for young people and raise the scientific level; a period of seven days per session and set up these courses during the month of May 2013.
The courses dealt with lectures and wide explain of Arabic language within the standard curriculum for students of secondary schools were assigned to a teacher and a school, and it has been put classes in coordinating with the administration of al-Iraqi School for Sons in Baghdad. At the end of courses was to thank the students of our organization on this beautiful initiative that share to raising the scientific level of the students, also our organization presented its thanks and appreciation to the management of the Iraqi high school for boys for their cooperation.