Civil and Political Rights

Tammuz concludes third workshop of the Young Leaders Program for the fourth Class

Tammuz Organization for Social Development, in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, concluded the third workshop of the Fourth class young Leaders Program, which was held over two days, August 20-21, 2021 in Erbil.

The workshop, which was entitled “Political Participation” was took place at Erbil International Hotel and was attended by 28 trainees from different governorates of Iraq led by trainer Hassan Wahhab. The first day began with attention to adherence to the regulations of the workshop and health protocols in order to protect the safety of everyone.

After that, the pre-test papers were distributed to the trainees. Upon completion of the test, the trainer explained the electoral system and the challenges facing voters, the political process, and the law of parties, besides discussing the concept of political participation and the challenges facing young people such as the dominance of the elderly, the economic situation, and the absence of government support, stereotypes and wars. Conflicts and financial corruption.

The trainer also addressed Resolution 2250 and passed on its most essential details and about the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the role of youth in them. Elections – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and the youth presented their activities successively, and the trainer opened the door for dialogue for all to encompass all the queries and noting related to the topic.

On day 2, it began with an interactive activity to make an appraisal of the previous day. The trainer also addressed Resolution 2250 more extensively than the previous day and presented them with the political participation represented by running for elections, following up on political affairs, engaging in party membership, voting, and others. After that, he presented them with the concept of political upbringing and asked the participants: After he divided them into groups; to present the institutions responsible for political upbringing, which included family upbringing, the media, government institutions, and others.

The practical activities were present on the second day. The trainees practiced with the coach an electoral process that included three different scenarios, in which he explained how to calculate the votes, the electoral threshold, the boycott, the invalid electoral papers, and how to deal with them and their impact on the progress of the process and the electoral ceiling, then instructed the coach to form teams after the training To benefit from what you learned from the workshop and to contribute to voluntary initiatives that increase their experience.

At the conclusion of the training workshop, our colleague Vian Sheikh Ali, President of Tammuz Organization for Social Development, thanked and appreciated the trainer and all the participants for the interaction and commitment to attend, participate and adhere to health conditions and protocols, and also offered them to cooperate with Tammuz and participate in monitoring the upcoming elections.

It is worth noting that the Young Leaders Program is an annual program organized by the Tammuz Organization for Social Development in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. They represent all spectrums of the Iraqi people.

Media Office  

Tammuz Organization for Social Development 

23 August 2021

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