Democracy and Elections

Tammuz Organization: closing statement of an Exceptional Conference of

On Friday, 11/11/2022, the exceptional conference of Tammuz Organization for Social Development was held in Baghdad, under the slogan, “Evaluation … Empowerment … Development”, in a sense of responsibility and concern for the sustainability, development and advancement of the organizations work. Through the voluntary work of its members, who put the right of the citizen and the preservation of their dignity among the priorities of the activities of the organization, in particular, the topics of social security insurance, job opportunities, the right to education for all, respect for human rights and freedom, transparency, supporting the pillars of good governance. Of course, all of this cannot be reassured without establishing a democratic system on sound foundations. Therefore, the organization paid special attention to democracy and basic laws to consolidate its construction, including the issue of elections, raising awareness of their importance, promoting participation on it, emphasizing their appropriate environment, and focusing on monitoring everything relating to the electoral process which accompanies the electoral process from enacting its laws, and managing it to the stage of ratifying its final results.

      Our colleagues accepted the invitation, for these noble goals, and all delegates of both sexes attended the conference. The conference opened with a welcoming speech presented by our colleague Vian Sheikh Ali, head of the organization, and she asked everyone to stand a minute of silence for the martyrs of our Iraqi people. After that, our colleague Ali Al-Dujaily gave the speech of the management  board, through which he explained the development of the organization’s performance, from it had been limited to providing aid in a charitable manner, to evolving into an actual contribution to achieving social development and striving with state institutions and decision-makers to enjoy health and educational rights and the dignity of living, which will not be achieved without enjoying democracy and informing society of its rights and freedom of expression.

      The leadership and the accreditation committees of the conference were elected by the delegates. After that the delegates voted on the quorum for the conference and approved the conference agenda. The achievement report was presented for open discussion, reviewing the overall activities and projects of the organization, its relations with donors, and its active role in national and international networks with common goals and activities. Where the conferees highly valued the great and strenuous efforts made by colleagues, as the activities of the organization did not stop during the Covid-19 pandemic, but its efforts were successful as its activities were adapted, with the necessities imposed by health instructions and guidelines, taking advantage of social media platforms, to hold seminars and organize meetings, on rights issues and democracy.

      The conferees also praised the format of the financial report and its orientation based on the organization’s goals and priorities for its activities, the clarity of digital data, and where the discussions took place in a sense of transparency and full publicity. The discussion included submitting proposals to focus on some issues and priorities to work on in the next stage. They audited the financial report in line with the interests of the organization, and the conference valued the efforts made in this aspect and praised the care and accuracy. As for the paragraph of the proposed amendments of the internal regulation rule of the organization, the conferees focused on discussing making the amendments in a way that enhances teamwork, and provides more space for decision-making and follow-up of implementation, with vitality and flexibility, and in a manner that ensures enhancing the participation of members of the organization, establishing democratic traditions and practical professional work contexts, to raise The organization’s concern, strengthening its activities, developing its energies, and activating the role of its members. After that, the conferees unanimously approved the achievement and financial reports, and the internal regulation rule with the amendments was unanimously approved.

       In an atmosphere of competition among the candidates for The leadership committee, within the terms of the elections and their legal contexts, and in line with the internal regulation rule, which stipulated the mixing of expertise, the new leadership committee of the organization was elected, from six of our colleagues, that achieved justice of gender representation, and parity was achieved without a prior quota, Rather, competence and professionalism were the criteria in the light of the choices, as the administrative body became composed of (Vian Sheikh Ali, Evan Karim Al-Faili, Ali Al-Dujaily, Muhammad Zaki, Enas Jabbar and Dai Mudar Abu Ghoneim) and two reserve members were elected, with the same rights The main members, except for the right to vote, are the two colleagues (Kovend Shafiq and Izzat Ali). Lawyer Niran Aziz supervised the work of the conference and expressed her admiration for the progress of the conference’s work.

      In conclusion, colleague Vian Sheikh Ali thanked the all attendance for their valuable contributions, and praised the effectiveness and vitality of the discussion. She thanked all colleagues who contributed to the activities of the organization, especially the lawyer who supervised the work of the conference and members of the previous Management Board. She also saluted the role of the establishing committee of the organization, and commended the efforts made for the preparations that produced documents suitable for discussion, and provided a healthy atmosphere for the conference. The conferees pledged to continue the work and advance it for the better, stressing the continuation of giving for the sake of human good and dignity, and our work remains with the goal of “democracy on the basis of citizenship and social justice”. The conference closed with the Iraqi national anthem “Mouteny”

Tammuz Organization for Social Development

14 November 2022

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