Tammuz Organization holds a Conference to discuss the Role of Organizations in Solving of Public Crisis in Iraq

Tammuz Organization for Social Development in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert held a conference to discuss the role of civil society organizations in solving of public crisis in Iraq, and the conference was on Saturday 10/11/2012 in Cultural Center in Baghdad and a crowd of activists and political figures and academician, economic and social as well as media participated in this conference.
After welcoming, it was submitted the themes of conference to three themes: the first theme is about the political problems, the second theme is about the economic and the last theme is about the social problems. It was discussing the three themes vitality and interaction, and the participants showed their vision of the role that must played by civil society organizations in the process of mediation and conflicts resolution, so taking a greater role in public policy-making in the country, guided to the active role that played by civil society organizations and the whole community institutions in developed countries in the field of solving conflicts and intercede among the rival parties, affirming that the active role of civil society organizations will contribute in building of country to prevail the peace and fixing the values of tolerance and harmony.
The participants confirmed the necessary to give the great role to civil society organizations to make stable the democracy values in the country, particularly that Iraq is witnessing a democratic transition and need to contribution of all parties to success the process, stressed the necessary to involve citizen in the civil and political activities and interaction with the public affairs for the country.
At the conclusion of the conference, attendees agreed to a set of recommendations and will be sent to the concerned authorities for benefiting of it and seeking to achieve it.
It is worth mentioning that this conference came crowning to a series of workshops (16) that held by Tammuz Organization in provinces (Baghdad, Erbil, Mousl, Kirkuk, Salah al-Din, Anbar, Babil, Karbala, Najaf, Wasit, Diwanyia, Maiysan, Dhi Qar and Basra) in participating a number of activists and representatives of civil society organizations.
The recommendations of conference are:
1.Law legislation of democracy change process such as parties law, freedom of expression, law of social security, adjust of valid laws such as election law including not steal voters.
2.Achievment of constitutional amendments and issue legislative evidence (clarification) of constitution.
3.Improve the performance of the legislative, judicial and executive authorities, and ensure the independence of the authorities from each other and securing flexible cooperation between them.
4.Solving problems between federal government and Kurdistan government through dialogue.
5.Determine of local government powers to prevent interference in powers between it and the federal government.
6.Building security system on the basis of efficiency and professionalism and keep it away from the political pressure in order to play its required role in protecting the citizen.
7.It must commitment of the State media to neutrality and objectivity standards and play its role in providing accurate and honest information to citizens.
8.Raise of political restrictions on civil society organizations and link them to an independent body.
9.Law legislation that prohibit the use of weapons in any conflict within the country.
10.Pressure on the government and parliament in order to put procedures and mechanisms to combat poverty.
11.Activate the role of women and their participation in political decision-making and government institutions to build a civil democratic state.
12.Non-interference in the Electoral Independence High Commission work for elections and keep it away from quotas
13.Using of modern mechanisms in sorting of voters and perseveration on the commission independence.
14.The involvement of bodies and international organizations with experience to participate in the elections monitoring process.
15.Operting of idle factories and finding of modern production lines to meet the needs of the local market with giving priority to the domestic product.
16.Encourage of investment with the adoption of an investment policy that is suited to the requirements of happening economic changes in the world.
17.The adoption of unified wage for all state departments and institutions with attention to the economic level of the citizens and to reduce the disparity in income among citizens
18.Provide of electrical energy for factories for the purpose of production
19.Educate the citizen to buy of the local goods to encourage it
20.Subjecting imported goods to the tax and entry for standardization and Quality Control.
21.Support of private sector to contribute in the economy development.
22.Building schools according to strategic plans and open training courses for teaching staff in order to keep education with the times variables
23.Interest in the health aspect by building and equipping hospitals with modern equipment and the appointment of medical competencies in proportion to the population.
24.Activate the role of civil society organizations to solve disputes with make way for organizations to contribute in policy-making of the country.
25.Stay away from self interests and install the spirit of citizenship among the people and promote peace initiatives and joint cooperation between civil society organizations to consecrate the concept of citizenship and equal rights.
26.Take advantage of the educational institutions to instill a spirit of tolerance and peace, and dismiss of extremist ideology and adopt curricula methods that led to promote a citizenship culture and human service.
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Tammuz Organization for Social Development