Tammuz Organization holds a workshop on Girls and Women’s Right in Teaching

Tammuz Organization for Social Development held a dialogue workshop on girls and women’s right in teaching within the activities of the Global Campaign for Education on Sunday 08/05/2011 on hall of organization with attending a numbers of representatives of civil social organizations, member of teachers union, journalist Reza al-Dhaher, media, Ashur Channel, Sabah newspaper and radio alnas.
The workshop dealing with the following themes (introduction on the work week of the global campaign for teaching and organization activities in this field, the right of women in teaching, effect of illiteracy between women and girls on society, recommendations to reduce the illiteracy and ensure of continuation teaching). During the workshop was rouse many questions about how to going out of illiteracy crisis, where the final statistics indicated nearly 25% of Iraqis suffer from illiteracy, and the illiteracy of women arrived to 24% while men 11% and most of attendees concurred that the most important reasons illiteracy are (lack of strategic of teaching, circumstances in Iraq, scarcity of financial allocating for this important sector and rampant corruption in country special in education). In addition to, it cannot look at the illiteracy and social crisis, and the attendees agreed that continuous pressure on the officials bodies is a solution to treat the crisis.
It was mentioned that the most important targets in this campaign are:
-The formation of public opinion on the decision makers in order to take the illiteracy matter seriously (sending voices through increasing the demands to remind with contracting to ensure teaching for all):
1-Teaching girls & women through treatment different cases
2- Treatment leak out of averages from school
3-Treatment of low averages in schools
4-Prevent cultural practices that refuse girls and women to get education.
5-Provide the suitable and safety airs due to continue girls and women in teaching.
6-State foundations cooperate with civil society to improve the civil initiatives to face obstacles in teaching girls and women.
The recommendations of the workshop are:
1-Apply of compulsory teaching law for the primary stage by Iraqi Government and resorting to local governments on the one hand and tribes sheikhs from other hand specially in teaching.
2-Legislation law to held to account persons, who do not allow their children to continue in teaching.
3-Open a private department of illiteracy connected to parliament or Cabinet in order to follow-up.
4-Expansion of primary school building in each region in order to not face any difficult to arrive at time.
5-Encourgment of civil society organizations to fight illiteracy through awareness campaigns for parents about the signification of teaching for girls.
6-The state and its educational foundations must interest in awareness of society by media.
7-Spot light on teaching with modern ways
8-Support to awareness of people about teaching of girls and women
9-School must be a safety place for girls
10- School curricula must take care about gender and training teachers to offer this curricula.
11-Offer incentives for teachers in order to enter to this profession
12-Investment 3% of teaching balances to programs of illiteracy
13-Commitment with international conventions and agreements (CEDW) and human rights
14-Fighting all discrimination kinds against women
Tammuz Organization for Social Development