Tammuz Organization holds a Workshop on Women Right in Teaching

Tammuz Organization for Social Development held a dialogue workshop within the events of the work for the Global Campaign for Teaching on Sunday 08/05/2011 with attending a number of representatives of civil social organizations and a member of the teachers’ union and journalist Reza Daher with the presence of Assyria channel and Sabah newspaper and Radio Na’as.
The workshop deals with (Introduction to the working of the Global Campaign for Education and the activities of the organization in this field including Women’s right to educate in the laws and regulations, the effects of illiteracy among women and girls on the community and its growth as a whole, recommendations to reduce the phenomenon of illiteracy and to ensure the continuation of education of girls). During there are many questions on how to go out of illiteracy crisis, where recent statistics indicated that nearly 25% of Iraqis suffer from illiteracy and especially that the amount of women for men has reached 24% while the men got 11%. The attendees said that the most important causes of widespread illiteracy because of the former regime, the lack of strategy of education and rampant corruption in the country and especially in the field of education, additionally it cannot be viewed to the crisis illiteracy and social crisis because each phenomenon or a crisis in the country are linked to each others.
The most important aims in this field are:
-Forming of public opinion to press on decision makers to be serious in illiteracy matter.
-Teaching girls and women through addressing the different cases in teaching.
-Treatment of water leak from schools.
-Treatment of low affiliation t rates in schools.
-Prevent of cultural practices that refuse girls and women to get education.
-Provide of suitable and peace place for continuing of girls and women in teaching.
-Cooperation of State foundations with civil society to develop of civil initiatives to face obstacles in teaching of women.
At the end of workshop, the attendees go out with several recommendations:
1-Apply law of compulsory education at the primary stage by the Iraqi government in a minute and making use of local governments on the one hand and tribal leaders on the other hand, especially regard to girls’ education.
2-Legislate of account law for the people, who do not allow their sons and girls to go on in teaching.
3-Open a private center for illiteracy be linked with the House of Representatives or the Council of Ministers for the purpose of follow-up.
4-Expansion of building of the primary schools in the region in terms of distance from the houses and the difficulties of the ways and means of transport.
5-Courage of civil society organizations to fight against illiteracy and do many of campaigns to awareness for parents on the importance of girls teaching.
6-The necessity of the state and its educational institutions in the community awareness through the media.
7-Increasing spot light on education with modern ways.
8-Public support to educate of girls and women.
9-Make schools as a safety place for girls.
10-Ensure of training teacher and support them.
11-Provide incentives for teacher
12-Invest 3% of teaching budget to provide illiteracy
13-Commit with international conventions such (CEDAW).
14-Fighting all forms of discrimination against women.
Tammuz Organization for Social Development