News and Participations

The first conference of leaders and activists of civil society organizations

Under the slogan (In Order to Unify the Efforts of Iraqi Civil Society Organizations) held the first conference of leaders and activists of civil society organizations on 24/01/2015 at hall of the Oil Cultural Center in the presence of a large of ladies and gentlemen officials, heads, activists and representatives of Iraqi civil society organizations.

 Mr. Salah Boshi delivered a speech of Preparatory Committee where he noted to the role of the Iraqi civil society organizations in the Iraqi social and political reality after the former regime change and active participation in campaigns and also reject some of the laws that contradict with the people interests as a personal status law, the electoral law and other legislations. And after the completion of the conference,  it has been honoring a number of activists who were martyred by terrorism or were died and do not complete their path; these martyrs have had a prominent role in civil society and organizations among them was our colleague Martyr (Hikmat Tawfeq Thabit al-Sa’ab) the director of Tammuz Organization for Social Development in Anbar province /Fallujah. 

It was also honored organizations, personalities and civilian activists who have been active and prominent role in the civil society over the last ten years, and during the conference Tammuz Organization for Social Development was honored for its role in the promotion of civil work and democrat, and the representative of Tammuz Organization is the colleague (Evan al-Faily) Secretary of Public Relations.

Tammuz Organization for Social Development considers this honor a moral motive and praise the work of the organization is a new start in the new democratic Iraq work to go ahead in order to reach the organization aims, and implementation of far strategy in building of influential civil society in Iraq’s social reality and work together side by side with other organizations and the relevant authorities for the new unified democratic federal Iraq based on the basis of citizenship, justice and equality.

Glory and eternity for the Iraq Martyrs

Glory and eternity for the Civil Society Martyrs

Media Office

Tammuz Organization for Social Development

On 25/01/2015

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