The staff of the free legal clinic visited the Khalidiya camp in Anbar Governorate
Represented by colleague Azir Sadiq Mahmoud, Al -khalidiya central camp was visited by Tammuz organization for social development and the staff of the free legal clinic in Al-anbar. On Saturday, May 13, 2017.
They were received by the camp’s management members. When colleague Azir inquired about details and needs in the camp; the camp’s manager stated that, within the camp, there were more than one thousand and two hundred families. As for the camp’s needs, the manager stated that there was a shortage of electricity and water especially; drinking water and he blamed high temperatures for that. Due to wind during the winter, some tents were damaged. Also, the colleague Azir Sadiq Mahmoud, toured the camp, gave advice and legal advice to the displaced, he was asked by one of the displaced about the return procedures and the colleague answered him:
1. Recieving a security form for each family head.
2. Fetch the official documents (original and copy).
3. Family members must not include a loyal to terrorist groups.
4. Obtain a recommendation from the Mukhtar of the district where the displaced person lives.
5. The approval of a security committee, who shall be composed of various categories of security forces.
Return’s gift procedures:
1. Bring the four documents (of origin and copy) of the head of the family.
2. Bring the QI card.
3. Obtain a confirmation to prove the family’s return to their place of residence.
4. Seal the confirmation by the Mukhtar of the district, where the head of the family belongs to.
5. Obtain a form from the Department of Immigration.
6. To have the confirmation sealed by the police station and the local council
7. Deliver the transaction to the Department of Migration and the displaced.
At the end of the visit, the management of Al- Khalidiya Central Camp thanked the legal clinic staff for their visit to the displaced.