Training on advocacy campaign strategies
During the period 17-18 February 2023, Tammuz Organization for Social Development – Female Revolution Team held a training workshop on advocacy campaign strategies for a group of activists in Dhi Qar Governorate, within the Female Revolution Project.
The training was led by Mr. Naseer Baqer, as the first day began by explaining the topic of problem analysis, then the participants were divided into working groups to spot several problems and scrutinize them through the so called “problem tree exercise”. succeeding that, the instructor demonstrated the concept of strategic planning and the mechanism for spotting and establishing campaign goals.
On the second day, the instructor discussed the strategies of advocacy campaigns, and the steps to build an advocacy campaign, and explained the theory of change. The participants watched and analyzed a film on the subject in question. Successful advocacy campaigns locally were also discussed and analyzed.
Succeeding that, he addressed several matters, the most salient of which are: levels of building alliances and cooperation, stakeholder surveys, and the techniques of writing a campaign message. Then he directed the working groups to write messages for their campaigns, which were then evaluated and discussed.
Media Office
Tammuz Organization for social development
19 February 2023