Under Slogan Elections Law to achieve of Electoral Justice
Tammuz Organization for Social Development held in cooperation with Istijaba Organization for Development a dialogue session entitled (Emendation of Elections Law is a very important step for reforming) on Saturday Sept 3, 2016 at the headquarter of organization. The session was attended by member of Commission Council in the Independence High Electoral Commission Mr. Safa’a al-Mossawi, representative of Ein Network for Monitoring Election and number of civil activists, in addition to number of lawyers.
Relations Official of Tammuz Organization Evan al-Faily opened the session and provided a summary of session goals with showing a number of previous legal legislations and approval stages of the recent parliamentary elections in 2014.
The researcher in the field of elections Mr.Ala’a al-Safa’ar provided a study on the elections law and articles that need to amendments and causes of change these legal articles such as reduce the age of candidacy to 25 years due to the law allows to establish party in this age but it didn’t allow to nominate this age in the elections, adoption of a college degree of candidate, the adoption of Sainte Lego Method for the calculation of votes. He also pointed out to the need for a constitutional amendment of the Iraqi Constitution to Article No.49 in respect of seats of the House of Representatives, which sets per 100 persons to a member of the House of Representatives but it was proposed to adoption 200 to 250 thousand people for each member of Parliament.
Later it talked about the mechanisms of fiscal spending for elections campaigning of political parties after the validity of the parties’ law and its entry into force and how to check those costs with non use of public money or use government departments or its mechanisms service personal and partisan interest. It was also addressing to the necessary to adopt of electoral register ensures the names of all voters on public polls by strengthening the measures adopted by the Commission with increase advertising for registration al-Baiometry, as well as updating the voter registry up to the period September 5, 2016 for the purpose of ensuring participation in the upcoming elections.
The participation of the security forces in the elections has very important role to determine of elections results, but this article needs to amendment in order to ensure the non-participation of security forces in the elections because their task are to protect citizens and the homeland and ensure the success of the elections like the rest of the other countries that depend this formula such as Lebanon. There are also quota subject in the House of Representatives, where it must find the mechanism to choice women and representing in the House of Representatives or provincial councils.
Member of commission council Mr.Safa’a al-Mousawi replied about the questions relating to the commission and procedures adopted by the export regulations organize the acting of political parties according to the valid parties law, as well as data adopted by the Commission in the preparation of the voters’ registry, “the condition has changed and we are working to prepare the sobriety election registry through updating of Biometry for voters’ data and no one have the right to elect unless they have a voter card, so we reduced comments that there is frequently vote or bring more than one card for the purpose of voting”.
Tammuz Organization for Social Development worked in the monitoring of elections and legal legislation since the first election carried out in Iraq 2005 and these dialogue sessions are to ensure democracy in Iraq and peaceful transfer of authority to achieve of the electoral justice in Iraq; it was worth mentioning that the organization is continuing in hold seminars in cooperation with civil society organizations to access for better laws and true reforming.
Media Office
Tammuz Organization for Social Development
September 5, 2016