Under the Slogan of (My Job is A Trust)

Temmuz Organization for Social Development in collaboration with the Commission on Integrity , under the auspices of his excellency the President of Al-karkh University for Science , held a seminar titled “ Good Governance and A Desired Anti- Corruption Society” within the national anti- corruption campaign on 18th December,2016 on the Shuhada’ Al-iraq hall (Iraq’s Martyrs) in Al-karkh University for Science.
The session was chaired by our colleague Vian Al-sheikh Ali, the head of the organization, who welcomed the honorable audience and presented her thanks to the president of the university and his deputies and staff for their cooperation and all efforts exerted by them to hold this event and ensuring its success. She also gave a background information about the organization, the seminar and the purpose of its holding , the role of the NGOs in achieving the good governance to reach the best applicable practices of transparency and integrity in administration, the importance of the role activation for the monitoring and executive institutions through the cooperation of all society groups. Moreover, she stressed the individual and societal participation in the eradication of corruption whether through honesty and sincerity in the implementation of tasks or through spreading the awareness in order to be committed or to refrain from corruption or through observing and exposing cases of corruption; even if that required recourse to courts, or through initiatives even if they were little, provided that they be intended to strengthen the integrity and citizenship in order to raise a sound society free from corruption that inflicted harm on Iraq and made it at the top of the most corrupted countries in the world.
Then, Mrs. Walaa Al-hasan , from the Commission on Integrity, provided an overview about the national campaign, which has been launched on 12th Decenber,2016 on Al-khuld Hall in Baghdad and will continue until the end of the month with the implementation of hundreds of activities across provinces as well as defining the main targeted , cooperating, and participating entities in this campaign, which included ministries, bodies, organizations, unions, and activists to broaden the participation and to urge for compliance with the anti-corruption administrative regulations, instructions, and transparency. After that, Mr. Mazin delivered a lecture on the good governance under the title “ The Required Public Policies” in which he pointed out the required measures to achieve a good governance and the legal framework for the work of the Commission on Integrity and the legal and administrative measures, which ought to be activated as the best means to reach the good governance and to use resources for the benefit of the public interest. In addition, the penalties against corruption in the institutions and offices were discussed, according to the kind of corruption, such as bribing, blackmailing , big transactions, commissions, corrupt contracts, profiting from the public service, money laundry or infeasible projects and other causes of corruption. In the same context, an emphasis was put on the international agreements that were signed by Iraq to combat corruption and sustaining transparency as well as focusing on the national anti- corruption strategy, which was launched by the government, and the necessity to provide the due environment to achieve a good governance through the basic agreed upon principles.
On the other hand, Dr. Shafeeq Shakir, deputy president for the scientific affairs, took part in the event with a short intervention about the importance of self-assessment and the role the civil servant plays through the public service and the hours of work in which the civil servant finishing his work, because the building “ starts from here”, as he said, “ from universities, colleges, educated elites , therefore, we have not to be silent in the face of corruption or oppression wherever found”. Then he opened the floor for discussions and questions, which came up with many interventions and inquiries about the role of organizations, individuals, institutions, and challenges, among which was the corruption of the influential political blocs. Adding to that, the discussions touched upon issues related to required measures and suggestions that could curb corruption. These discussions were commented on by Vian Al-sheikh Ali and other colleagues in the commission on integrity.
The seminar concluded with the following recommendations :
1- Activating the code of conduct for the government employees
2- Activating legal and administrative measures to ensure a distinguished employee performance for the benefit of the public interest.
3- Issuing legal enactments capable of combating corrupt people regardless of their authority whatsoever.
4- Supporting the commission on Integrity to perform its duties.
5- Issuing legislatures or instructions to prevent individuals or their parties, who are proved to be corrupt, from running for elections.
6- Consolidating civil principles for achieving the good governance.
7- Reconsidering the structure of the administrations, institutions, government offices , and deployment of employees according to the actual needs.
8- Activating the role of the inspection and oversight committees, which should be specialized and professional.
9- Raising the awareness of the importance of the individual and societal participation in the anti-corruption efforts.
The Media Office of
Temmuz Organization for Social Development
20th December,2016