Economic and Social Rights

Visiting camps for displaced people in Anbar

A delegation of Tammuz Organization for Social Development members headed by colleague Ali Ghazal visited a number of displaced camps from Anbar to know on their living statue and provide possible assistance, the visiting was for period two days 30-31/05/2015 for all these camps:
1.Asia Camp in al-Dora’a
2.Tekkea al- Kasanzanyah Camp-in al-Mahmoodyia Road
3.Al-Amal Camp in Amrya al-Falluja
4.Al-Habaniya Camp in Tourist City
5-Bzeebz Camp
We also accompanied the delegation of Ministry of Health on 30/05/2015 to visit camps under head Dr.Khamis Ali Sa’ad, administrative agent of the Ministry of Health, and with the participation of department director of Anbar Health Dr.Khalaf Khudeer Shalal and cadres of health care in Baghdad. It was launched with the delegation medical convoy to relief of displaced families from Anbar in Bzeebz camps, and the medical staff started in vaccination campaign for children and check up older patients and women and follow-up families to prevent the spread of disease, where the number of families in three camps in Bzeebz more than 650 families and it is can be increased due to continue in displacement process.
During the visiting, our colleague Ali Ghazal introduced the legal clinic in Anbar and ability to present free legal assistance and also try to know the problems of displaced families that can be solve by legal aid, but the difficult  humanitarian conditions experienced by the displaced families in the camps showed that the priorities and needs are for humanitarian relief aids such as health supplies and food, in addition to suffering from the high temperatures and lack of providing of electricity.
Camp official (Akram Zoba), which include more than 300 families, al-Sheikh Khalaf Khalus appealed international and local organizations to provide food and electricity devices for this new camp. In Sadar al-Yusofiyah Camp which is located in an agricultural area fill of snakes, the displaced families of children and adulate are exposed to snakebite for in the camp, which has occupied 85 families. The official of camp demanded to appeal the authorities to fight snakes in this region.
Displaced families in the second camp near of Bzeebz Bridge called the government bodies to visit their camp and provide their needs, where more than 285 families resided in this camp.
Our visiting to these camps we make sure the difficult circumstances and humanitarian situations that lived in it displaced people and the urgent need for relief and also their need to the attention of government agencies to visit the camps in order to stand on their problems and solidarity with them.
It was worth mentioning that Dr.Khamis Ali Sa’ad thanked members of Tammuz organization to accompany them in these visiting, and affirmed the importance of the role of civil society organizations through visit the camps and know their situations and present the aids for them. And manager of Anbar health Dr.Khudeer also thanked the efforts of Tammuz Organization members and confirmed in front of attending that Tammuz  Organization for Social Development is the only organization that participated in the support of the Ministry of Health campaign, and it is always the first to help the displaced Syrians and refugees since 2012.

A delegation of Tammuz Organization for Social Development members headed by colleague Ali Ghazal visited a number of displaced camps from Anbar to know on their living statue and provide possible assistance, the visiting was for period two days 30-31/05/2015 for all these camps:
1.Asia Camp in al-Dora’a
2.Tekkea al- Kasanzanyah Camp-in al-Mahmoodyia Road
3.Al-Amal Camp in Amrya al-Falluja
4.Al-Habaniya Camp in Tourist City
5-Bzeebz Camp
We also accompanied the delegation of Ministry of Health on 30/05/2015 to visit camps under head Dr.Khamis Ali Sa’ad, administrative agent of the Ministry of Health, and with the participation of department director of Anbar Health Dr.Khalaf Khudeer Shalal and cadres of health care in Baghdad. It was launched with the delegation medical convoy to relief of displaced families from Anbar in Bzeebz camps, and the medical staff started in vaccination campaign for children and check up older patients and women and follow-up families to prevent the spread of disease, where the number of families in three camps in Bzeebz more than 650 families and it is can be increased due to continue in displacement process.
During the visiting, our colleague Ali Ghazal introduced the legal clinic in Anbar and ability to present free legal assistance and also try to know the problems of displaced families that can be solve by legal aid, but the difficult  humanitarian conditions experienced by the displaced families in the camps showed that the priorities and needs are for humanitarian relief aids such as health supplies and food, in addition to suffering from the high temperatures and lack of providing of electricity.
Camp official (Akram Zoba), which include more than 300 families, al-Sheikh Khalaf Khalus appealed international and local organizations to provide food and electricity devices for this new camp. In Sadar al-Yusofiyah Camp which is located in an agricultural area fill of snakes, the displaced families of children and adulate are exposed to snakebite for in the camp, which has occupied 85 families. The official of camp demanded to appeal the authorities to fight snakes in this region.
Displaced families in the second camp near of Bzeebz Bridge called the government bodies to visit their camp and provide their needs, where more than 285 families resided in this camp.
Our visiting to these camps we make sure the difficult circumstances and humanitarian situations that lived in it displaced people and the urgent need for relief and also their need to the attention of government agencies to visit the camps in order to stand on their problems and solidarity with them.
It was worth mentioning that Dr.Khamis Ali Sa’ad thanked members of Tammuz organization to accompany them in these visiting, and affirmed the importance of the role of civil society organizations through visit the camps and know their situations and present the aids for them. And manager of Anbar health Dr.Khudeer also thanked the efforts of Tammuz Organization members and confirmed in front of attending that Tammuz  Organization for Social Development is the only organization that participated in the support of the Ministry of Health campaign, and it is always the first to help the displaced Syrians and refugees since 2012.

Media Office
Tammuz Organization for Social Development

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