Workshop on the rights of displaced people

Tammuz Organization for Social Development held the sixth workshop on 14/5/2017 in Alsyahiyah camps, Habbaniyah. The workshop was attended by 47 displaced people (27 women and 20 men).It was also attended by colleague Ali Sulaiman, a representative of Afkar Society, where the colleague Ali Ghazal welcomed the attendants and then the colleague Adel Ibrahim started his lecture on the rights of the displaced and urged them to accelerate the registration process to obtain the following rights:
Protecting IDPs from being blackmailed by any party-
– Protection from arbitrary deportation-
The need for IDPs not to be arbitrarily detained or detained in camps-
Prohibition of detention or detention on the basis of discrimination-
Freedom of movement and freedom of choice of place of residence.-
-The right to a decent life.
-The right to access basic services from education and health care and to provide suitable job opportunities.
-The right to receive material, moral aid and psychological rehabilitation.
Adel Ibrahim also pointed to the importance of registering the displaced person and he has to follow the following steps to complete the registration process as follows:
– Informing the Mukhtar, and then informing the municipal council, to obtain a confirmation from the police station.
-Check the inquiries of the department of Migration and displaced in the governorate where the IDP was located.
-Submit required documents.
And then discussion was begun by the attendants and the citizen Ali Hussein Allawi , a displaced from Al- Karma, asked that he was not registered in the branch of migration in AL-anbar because he did not have a ration card in his name. Adel Ibrahim answered him that according to the instructions of the ministry in case of not registering the displaced, for any reason, he would be registered, simultaneously, in the branches of immigration in the case of return after bringing a confirmation from the local council that confirm their displacement, addressed to the branches of immigration in the province. Then, the displaced Wijdan Jabbar Alawi, asked that her name did not appear in the names’ list of the displaced in the camps of Habbaniyah, her question was answered by the colleague that she must check the immigration branch to inquire about why the name is not listed, due to lack of documentation and information in the database branch.
And then explained the colleague Adel Ibrahim how to get Identity documents issued and documents required to that (civil status ID – certificate of Iraqi citizenship – residence card) as follows:
To issue a housing card:
1-To bring certified housing support from the relevant authorities.
2-Bring official documents.
To issue the civil status card:
1-For newborns a confirmed birth certificate from the Department of Health is needed.
2-The original documents of the head of the family are also needed, and to fill out a special form
3- To register a status of marriage, the original marriage contract is needed.
4- Marking a status marriage / widow / divorce, the death certificate or the original divorce decision is needed.
To issue a certificate of Iraqi citizenship:
are needed. 1-The documents, of the person concerned,
2-A certificate of citizenship, for a father or brother, is needed.
3-A special form, for the certificate of Iraqi citizenship, must be filled out.
At the end of the workshop, the attendants thanked the legal clinic staff for their presence and for showing their interest. Also, 50 brochures were distributed.