Environment, Climate Change and Clean EnergyWomen's Rights and Gender

A Dialogue Session with the Women of Al-Chibayish Marshes

The project team of “women for Democracy”, implemented by Tammuz Organization for Social Development in Dhi Qar Governorate, organized a dialogue session with a group of women from the Al-Chibayish Marshes on Friday, October 11, 2024.

The session aimed to engage with the women of this region, listen to their needs and problems, and understand the impact of climate change on the marsh residents, particularly women.

The key environmental challenges faced by the women of the marshes include:

– Scarcity of potable water.

– Lack of healthcare centers providing services to citizens, as most marsh villages’ residents suffer from diseases caused by non-potable water.

– Due to water pollution, village residents experience the spread of numerous diseases, particularly skin diseases. According to the women, disease rates have increased after drought hit most of the marshes.

– The limited number of schools in the marsh villages deprives many women and girls of completing their education in these areas.

This session is part of the campaign “Women and Climate, Their Protection is a Duty,” which aims to raise awareness about the dangers of climate change on women and protect them from its effects.

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